Friday 28 December 2012


"You have turned my mourning into dancing; you have taken off my sackcloth and clothed me in joy, So that my soul may praise you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks to you for ever."
~Psalms 30: 11-12

It's been 13 days since LiveLoud and I have been so blessed to have been set free. My experience of freedom occurred through the freedom of my actions. With every shout I proclaim His glory; with every clap I give Him praise -"These hands will declare all the Greatness of God in me"-; with every jump I am reaching for His kingdom. The freedom to worship Him through my actions.

Before when I worshiped I would sing my hardest and play my best for God. I'd give my all through my voice and guitar, but I was restricted in my movements -"So if I fail to bring You praise, for love You’ve sent to take my place, I’ve realize that I could never give enough"-. I would sway a little, but I wouldn't dance for Him. I would bob my head, but I wouldn't jump for Him. I couldn't say I've ever worshiped like that. I'd either be too scared to jump and dance, or be scared of messing up while playing.

Well, that all faded away during LiveLoud. "10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1!!!" And the show began! Instantly, what others thought of me or whether or not I was missing or hitting some or all the strings was not nearly as important as joyfully dancing for our Lord, jumping and reaching up to Him, playing for Him with all my might -"All my strength I will sing Your praises"-. In hindsight I probably made a lot of musical mistakes, but I can say I truly worshiped. In every movement, no matter how big or small being able to say "I will worship You Lord"; there was no greater feeling.

Imagine how God loves us, "I will love you without holding back," -"I am thankful for Your kindness Lord I am thankful for You are bountiful"- and to be able to say back to Him, "I will worship You without holding back," -"Oh I love You Lord"- how great and deserving is He! Give Him praise because He is worthy, give Him praise because He is God!

For none of this would have been possible without God -"Oh God is enough for me"-, and I only write this for God -"I’ll go out and testify and shout to the world"-. This experience is truly precious to me, it has shown me even more of the wonders that God can do through me -"Great is Your love oh God in me"-. He continues to show me how He can use me powerfully -"Together we’re setting the world on fire"-. I hope through reading this share you may also be set ablaze reflecting on your own Godly experiences. The crazy thing is, this is only a stepping stone, each day He calls us to something greater than what He offered yesterday -"With each day Lord I would sing For you almighty"-.

...Jesus, my life, I will not be silent!...

Let this be something we are unified in, let us sing as one voice to God, The Almighty -"Together as one we’ll go, we’re living out loud, forever we shout (3x) Your name…"-
Saviour, Christ, Jesus, Love, God, Lord, King, Adonai ...
...With this, may You be praised!

1 comment:

  1. Praise God brother dear!
    You make me feel like a proud momma bear haha =)
