Saturday 18 May 2013

I Hear The Angels Sing

An RYC Testimony

“When we do the work of angels, how can we ever be alone?” That is to point out one of the main things angels do: worship. They are constantly singing praises to our Lord. So when we worship are we not joining the choirs of angels, joining our voices with theirs in humble praise and worship?

Worship in itself has so many dimensions. It can express an array of things from the intimacy we experience with the Lord to the communion we have with His church.

Let me take you back one week to this event: RYC

Who remembers this moment? Being before the Lord: unable to stand, but only kneel; unable to speak, but fully understood; unable to think but seeing truth. The Lord on the other side of the table inviting you to the banquet with Him. When you saw His bread and said it is enough. How personal, how intimate?

Now, look at this:

What do you see? Do you see his church? The body of Christ? It’s beautiful, (isn’t it?) the love that has filled His church.

But I want you to think back for a moment, what did you see, what did you hear? Did you see the choirs of angels along with the choirs of men and women? My brothers and sisters, it is in moments like this our voices have joined in unison with those of angels. That as one church, one body we sang praise and worship to our Lord.

Worship brings us to a different level of prayer. One where we can be with angels. Let us strive for this: to bring unity, to bring love, to bring glory in being with the angels.

“He said to them, 'Come and see.'” -John 1: 39

I came and saw. I heard the angels sing that day.

…With that may God be praised.

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